Saturday, December 11, 2010

Advant Calendar

I actually didn't make this Advant Calendar, but my sister-in-law did. I just think that it is way too cute. I had to show it off.

I'm not a big fan of those chocolate ones, and Grace doesn't even like chocolate, so this is a great alternative.

She said that she found everything at the Dollar Store, including the baking pan.

She made up a grid on her computer and printed it off on to a sheet of Cardstock.

Painted the baking sheet, and covered the bottom with the cardstock paper and the letters and numbers and then modge podged it.

Made up cute numbers and attached a magnet to the back. Add one everyday.

The numbers that are not in use can just be stored on the other side of the pan.

Drill holes, and attach a ribbon and hang it up.
I think everyone will agree that this is so cute. Thank you Trina. My girls (well, Grace) and I love it.

1 comment:

  1. This is so simple and easy and cute! You should just take credit for it! lol I'm going to have to make one now too!!
